Evensong and Holy Eucharist

Date: March 3, 2019
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

As we prepare for the choir’s 2019 tour to England, where they will sing evensong every day, we have the opportunity to incorporate this glorious Anglican pattern of worship (which our choristers lead every Wednesday) into our Sunday night Eucharist. It has long been a custom of Christian liturgy to combine various offices in the church as we do here. The Evensong portion of the liturgy functions as the ‘liturgy of the word,’ while the Communion part of the service remains in the familiar form. Often we think our participation in liturgy happens through our speaking and our conscious assent to what we hear. In this service, our participation is in our listening, and in our presence. As the choir sings, the music takes the words and transforms them directly into prayer that can be felt and known in a new way.