Forum: Eastertide Home for Faith Small Groups

Date: April 25, 2021
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Off-site Location

Be with us this Sunday evening to learn about the launch of 7 new “Home for Faith” small groups which will be meeting in 3 one-hour Zoom sessions between May and mid-June. Home for Faith small groups empower parishioners to convene around shared interests — and our spring session will offer topics as varied as scripture, spiritual autobiography, faith and recovery, and grandparenting. More than 130 parishioners have joined a Home for Faith group during this past year — and made new connections and friendships across the parish. ⁠ On Sunday evening we will introduce our final "trimester" of small group offerings and provide registration guidance too. 

Please join us on Zoom here or dial 1 646 558 8656 and enter Meeting ID: 827 2525 5709.