Going Deeper: Growing in Faith and Knowledge Archives: May 2017

May 15, 2017
Trinity was pleased to welcome The Rt. Rev. Frank Griswold, former Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church (1998-2006), addressing the question: how do the patterns and practices of word and sacrament help us claim and live more fully the scripture of our own lives in a frantic and fractured worldRead More >
May 11, 2017
Join Scott Allen Jarrett for an informal talk on the B Minor Mass. Dr. Jarrett offers insights to the score from his own experiences, along with some thoughts on Bach’s spiritual and theological considerations and reflections on the universality and ecumenism of this most extraordinary work. Read More >
May 11, 2017
Peter Hawkins, a Trinity parishioner and Professor of Religion & Literature at Yale Divinity School, led us in a discussion of the complex intersections between beauty and the life of the church. Drawing upon his lifelong love of words, Peter gave particular attention to the texts of prayersRead More >