Holy Week

What a Grace-filled Palm Sunday we shared yesterday! More than 150 people joined us bright-and-early for our live, Liturgy of the Palms services, and as many as 1,000 people worshiped with us live at 9:45 a.m. Likewise, we enjoyed teeming Community Hours and Formation programs, concluding with the launch of our evening read-alouds of C.S. Lewis’ The Great Divorce. Thanks be to God!

Let’s Have Supper Together Tonight! Community Life at Trinity Church

The Greek word ekklesia is often translated as “church” or “a people assembled.” When most of the world thinks of a “church,” they imagine the bricks and mortars of a building rather than a people gathered. How many times have you told someone you go to Trinity Church only to have to explain that there is indeed a vibrant people assembled within one of Boston’s most treasured and iconic buildings?

Virtual Programming with Trinity Church

Greetings and peace to you! I write to share an update about programming at Trinity. Please see below for some initial details about how we are preparing to gather virtually and continue our rich opportunities for formation, even as we socially distance ourselves. While our new situation has its challenges, we recognize that God continues to work in and through us even in the bleakest moments, and that God does not leave us to face these challenges alone. We believe continuity of our parish programs can remind us of God’s constancy. 
