Care and Support

At one time or another, everyone could use a little pastoral care, whether grieving a loved one, suffering from an illness, preparing for surgery, or in need of extra prayer support during a difficult time. At Trinity Church Boston, we care for one another through support groups, prayer teams, and by bringing Holy Eucharist and companionship to the homebound.


Pastoral Connection

At Trinity Church Boston, parishioners as well as clergy serve as touchstones to the compassionate and healing love of God. Should you need solace and support during illness, injury, or troubled times, please contact our Priest for Parish Care.

In a pastoral emergency, please call 857-315-7968. An operator is available around the clock to connect you with Trinity’s priest-on-call.


A Community of Prayer

We believe that prayer brings wholeness and healing to those being prayed for and with as well as to those who pray. We offer two types of prayer on behalf of the health and healing of others.

Public Prayer At each worship service, we publicly read aloud the names of those who have either requested public prayers for themselves or have had their names submitted by others for public prayers. In either case, that person's name will be read aloud on one Sunday. The name of someone who has died is read on the Sunday after the name has been received. 

Private Prayer is also available through our Prayer Chain ministry, If you would prefer to request that you or someone you care about be prayed for confidentially.

To request prayers, please call 617-536-0944 and ask for the prayer line (x300), or complete our online form.


Care and Support Groups

God continuously moves toward the time when the great wounds of creation—injustice, oppression, degradation, and enmity—will be healed. God calls each of us to facilitate and participate in our own personal healing as well as the healing and renewal of creation. The following resources are available to all in search of healing and renewal.

If you would like to become part of our communion of prayers and pray-ers, consider becoming part of our Prayer Chain Ministry.

Whether you are experiencing cancer yourself, supporting someone who is, or are reclaiming your health from the illness, Trinity’s cancer support group can help.

Trinity’s Hallelu Singers offer the healing gift of music through a cappella performances at hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, and other settings.

Women over 70 unite! This period of life offers rich opportunities for reflection on the challenges and gifts of later years.

Our Stitching in the Spirit group knits shawls for people recovering from illness and injury.

Trinity Eucharistic Visitors also visit and offer the Sacrament to residents of Hale House, a community of elders located within walking distance of the church.