Ephesians Forum IV (Livestreamed)

Date: November 12, 2023
11:15 am to 12:15 pm

Join us in-person or online for the last of our Forum Series on Ephesians.

Given her research on material culture and the spaces and places of the earliest Christian communities, the Rev. Dr. Katherine Shaner invites us to "travel" to ancient Ephesos (and some of the other places whose imagery and spaces are important for putting the text into historical context) so that we can imagine a more embodied experience of reading this letter.

This Forum series will take place in the church on Sundays, 10/15, 1/22, 11/5, and 11/12, at 11:15 am. It will also be livestreamed to trinitychurchboston.org/live-worship. Please join us!

Catch up on previous Forum videos on this page.