Forum Series: New Heavens; New Earth • Hearing the Voices of Advent

Date/Time: Sundays in Advent at 4 pm

Every Advent, four distinct personalities call to us in progression: Jesus voicing the end of the age, John, Isaiah, and Mary. What we hear, of course, changes as we age and as world events unfold. Join us on Sundays this Advent as dusk falls for in-depth consideration of Advent's prophetic voices.

November 29: the Rev. Paige Fisher on the "little apocalypse" of Jesus

December 6:  the Rev. Karen Coleman on John the Baptist

December 13: the Rev. Patrick Ward on the Prophet Isaiah

December 20: the Rev. Bill Rich on the Annunciation to Mary

Please join us on Zoom here or dial 1 646 558 8656 and enter Meeting ID: 827 2525 5709.