Giving Thanks for the Rev. Patrick Ward

Date: September 25, 2022
6:15 pm to 7:00 pm


Receptions to follow worship at 11:15 am and 6:15 pm 

Fête the Rev. Patrick Carroll Ward on his final Sunday with us, celebrating both his long ministry at Trinity Church and his call as the next rector of Church of the Holy Spirit in Orleans, Mass! Patrick will preach all day and join our 9 am Coffee & Community Hour, and we will host receptions in his honor following both our mid-morning and 5 pm worship. 


Write a note to Patrick and upload any photos that you may have from the past decade+ of his ministry here at Trinity. We are collecting these and will present them to Patrick. Add your well wishes and photos for Patrick by clicking here.


Many hands make light work. If you can help out with setting up or tidying up, click here to sign up.