Announcing Exciting Changes and Additions To Our Professional Team

August 15, 2023

Dear Trinity Church and friends,

Grace and Peace and Tuesday greetings. I hope this message finds you and yours well. I write with exciting news about changes and additions to our professional team, introducing new staff members who will fill roles both recently and long open.

Among these changes, I am thrilled that Brigitta Patterson accepted her well-earned promotion and will now serve as our Director of Communications. Brigitta has shared years of stellar service with Trinity Church and the communities we serve. Please give her a high-five and hearty thanks when you see her next.

Likewise, I want to express the parish’s gratitude for our own Donna Stenwall, who came out of retirement while we searched for our new Manager of Visitor Services, Jillian Storez. Donna served so well in this bridge role – that led to a wonderful outcome – and we look forward to her remaining involved with this vital ministry. Thank you, Donna!

Finally, as we also open our arms to Ann, Edward, Jerrick, and Kristen, I want to mark the welcome renewal and expansion of Michael Battle’s ministry with us. His continuity as Theologian-In-Community is essential to the impact of that post, both in the long and short-term. Even now, Michael is making a difference among us, leading a cohort of parishioners through a contextual learning experience in South Africa – please offer prayers for their meaningful adventure and safe return.

Thanks be to God, because of your faithful generosity and our financial leadership’s careful stewardship over a period of years, these new colleagues’ arrivals reinforce the dependability and sustainability of our ministries and operations. Please welcome them to Trinity Church!

With gladness and singleness of heart,

The Rev. Morgan S. Allen


The Very Rev. Dr. Michael Battle, Theologian-in-Community

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Battle will continue as Trinity’s Theologian-In-Community for the upcoming year. Michael will spend two longer stretches with us, from Wednesday, August 30 through Sunday, September 24, and from Wednesday, May 15 through Sunday, July 5 (2024). Between those times together, he will spend a workweek in the office and two Sundays at Trinity each month of the Program Year; serve with Alison Poor as “Staff Support” of the Outreach & Justice Cohort of the Ministry Council; and lead the Wednesday-morning Men’s Bible Study, a Zoom-based program with occasional in-person breakfasts that will launch this fall. Please also look forward to more information from Michael about his leadership of Trinity’s global engagements, which will include continuing opportunities for South African experiences, as well as prospective pilgrimages to the Camino, the Holy Land, and the American South.


Brigitta Patterson, Director of Communications

Hello Trinity Church,

You may not know my face, but we have been communicating with one another for years! I have worked as a lay staffer at Trinity since 2008. I moved to Boston after I met my partner via my previous work as a union journalist in Ohio, and I am so glad that I landed in Copley Square.

When I started working here, I laid out the Sunday bulletins and have since learned so much about design, communications, and storytelling as I’ve progressed in my work and responsibilities. I also learned how a church of Trinity’s size and stature functions day-to-day. A lot has changed in 15 years, but as Director of Communications, I hope to uphold the standards for clear communication and look forward to telling the Boston community and beyond who Trinity Church Boston is.



Kristen Knight, Communications Associate

Kristen joined Trinity on July 12 with five years of marketing and communications experience within the nonprofit sector. She graduated cum laude from Bentley University with a B.S. in Creative Industries. A North Shore native, Kristen can be found either at home with her cat or rocking out at a concert.


Edward Lopez, Assistant Director of Facilities

We welcomed Edward Lopez on July 17 as the new Assistant Director of Facilities. Edward joins us directly from Tremont Temple Baptist Church where he ably managed facilities in an urban religious organization. Prior to Tremont, Edward also managed facilities for Equinox Fitness Clubs. Edward lives with his wife and two daughters and enjoys fishing and nature with the family outside of work.

Visitor Services

Jillian Storez, Manager of Visitor Services

Jillian Storez joined us on July 18 as our new Manager of Visitor Services. Jillian brings terrific experience as a supervisor at Old North Church's gift shop as well as a manager for The Freedom Trail Foundation. Jillian loves music and theatre and also worked for six years for the famous Middle East nightclub. Jillian and her husband are in the process of relocating back to Boston from an ex-pat assignment in Germany.  


Jerrick Cavagnaro, Incoming Associate Director of Music

As we've announced in June, Jerrick joined the staff on August 13 as the Associate Director of Music. He comes to us from Christ Church in Charlotte, NC where he has served for three years as Assistant Director of Music. Previously, he preceded Manuel Piazza as Organ Scholar at Trinity Church on the Green in New Haven, CT while earning his Master's Degree at Yale's Institute of Sacred Music and was Organ Scholar at St. Peter's in Morristown, NJ while studying at Westminster Choir College.

Stewardship & Administration

Ann MacDonald, Incoming Stewardship Associate and Database Manager

Ann MacDonald joined the staff on August 14 as the Stewardship Associate and Database Manager, supporting the operations of Trinity's stewardship ministries and managing the parish database that underpins so much of our parish life and work. A classically trained singer with a career in higher education administration, Ann most recently served as parish administrator at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Cambridge where she has been instrumental in updating parish systems and processes to support the life of the church.