• Parish news

Become a Trinity Church Tour Guide

July 5, 2023

Trinity Church straddles the best of two worlds—we are both an historic site in the City of Boston and a thriving, missional faith community. Throughout the year, thousands of visitors from across the globe (and even from down the street!) come to experience what is considered to be one of this country’s most important works of architecture and art. Welcoming these visitors, sharing stories about our history, and interpreting our building form the ministry of our Tour Guide and Visitor Services programs.

We are inviting interested members of the parish to consider sharing their love of this church and spiritual home with visitors by becoming a Tour Guide! Interested members will join in an 8-session training program beginning in early September and will learn how to share with Trinity’s visitors about our sacred space, its architecture, art, and history. If you love learning and sharing your knowledge, please consider this fun and rewarding program as a way to serve both our parish and our wider community.

Please be in touch with Donna Stenwall at dstenwall@trinitychurchboston.org if you are interested or have questions!


And, check out 'Storytelling on St. James' on Sun., Aug. 6, to get a feel for what our tour guides do!