• Parish news

Instructions and Overview of Online Worship at 11 a.m. Tomorrow (Sunday, March 15)

March 14, 2020

Dear Trinity Church and friends,


Saturday greetings to all.


In these strange days when we are experiencing so many necessary limits on what we may do, still we can choose how – that is, in what spirit and with what heart – we provide continuity for our life as a community.  Therefore, I invite you to join me in daring a spirit of adventure and grace as we ready for our first “virtual” worship gathering tomorrow (Sunday, March 15) at 11 a.m.


We will pray Morning Prayer with all the bells and whistles – readings and hymns, anthems and a sermon – and you may find your worship booklet here.


To simplify this first push off from our Copley Square dock and into these digital waters, tomorrow’s service will feature the easiest-possible online access.  Simply visit trinitychurchboston.org/live-worship and you will find the embedded stream of the service.  Click-and-pray-and-that’s-that!


For now, we are valuing the energy of a “live” worship experience.  While this week that will be a “flat” broadcast – meaning all the participants will be onsite in the church – next week we hope for the “depth” of a more interactive experience, one that would incorporate, real-time, the participation of readers and intercessors from their remote locations.  Despite these hopes, a Cheers-style, “Filmed before a live, studio audience” may ultimately prove necessary.  Inviting you to put the “virtue” back in “virtual,” we ask for your understanding as we all make this new adventure together!


Be well and see you tomorrow,


The Rev. Morgan S. Allen,
