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'This is where God lives': Testimonial from Parishioner Doug Rendell

October 23, 2022

Thirty Three years ago my partner Dick and I decided that we needed to find a church which we could attend together. Although church attendance was part of our DNA, we didn’t have a church to call our own.  Dick had recently retired from being a church organist and choir director and we had heard that Trinity had a fine music program and so we decided to give Trinity Church a try. We did make a plan, however.  We would attend church, put a dollar or two in the plate, and then go to brunch and do a little shopping.


This plan worked well for some time until Dick saw an announcement in the church bulletin which announced that there was a program called Getting To Know Trinity Church. This was an after church program for people who wanted to learn more about Trinity Church. The program was facilitated by the Rev Dean Wolfe. This was not part of the plan but I went anyway. I was afraid that the next thing we’d be talking about was pledging and serving on committees.


Well, as you know, one thing leads to another. Over the years we have both served as facilitators  for Inquirer’s Classes, served on the steering committee for the Gay and Lesbian Fellowship, Dick has completed four years of EFM, Dick has also served as a Lay Liturgist.  We have both served as ushers and the list goes on.


As we have become active participants in the church members of the congregation have become close friends and extended family members.


These friends have become God’s caring angels and have been there for us during times of joy, times of illness, and times of sorrow. What we would have done without them I don’t know. Several years ago, I saw a little girl sit in a pew with her family.  She looked around and then she whispered to her younger brother…This is where God lives. I couldn’t agree with her more.


The more we became involved in Trinity the more we wanted to support the church. You will be glad to know that our financial commitment grew as our involvement increased. We wanted the church and its programs to succeed and we wanted to be part of its success.   


I hope that you will also want to be part of this very special place and that you’ll join me and Dick in making a generous pledge towards God’s work here.


You can make your pledge by filling out the form at this link.