Katie Wrisley Shelby ('28)

After growing up and being married in the Presbyterian Church (USA), Katie and her husband, Tyson, were formally received into the Episcopal Church in 2019 after attending Trinity since around 2011. She finished her Master’s in Theological Studies at Harvard Divinity School in 2012 and defended her dissertation in Historical Theology at Boston College in 2018, and has since taught as a contingent faculty member in Theology at both BC and Providence College. Throughout her years experimenting in the stresses of academic theology, Trinity Church has served as a spiritual home, space of solace, and source of beloved community for Katie and her family, which now also includes their one- year-old daughter, Rebecca Jane, who can often be found in the nursery during the 10 am service. Since 2011, Katie has participated in various ministries at Trinity, including as a server at Rosie’s Place, as a Lay Eucharistic Minister, on a Discernment Committee, as an attendee of the 20s/30s Group, and most recently, as a member of the Bible Study Guide Writing Team. The Shelbys currently reside in Concord