• Education Forums

Adam Dawkins - Off to Seminary

The Rev. Dr. William Rich
March 28, 2019

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


I am writing with news about Adam Dawkins, Trinity’s Director of Stewardship and Welcome.  As you may know, for some time now Adam has been in a discernment process for ordination to the priesthood.  That process has resulted in his being made a postulant, and recently the Bishop has granted Adam his blessing to pursue his theological training at The Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, TX, beginning with the Fall 2019 semester. 


Adam and his husband have realized that they have a great deal to do in getting ready for this next step in their lives: cleaning out their house, putting it on the market, and all the other nitty-gritty matters that such a change requires.  To facilitate all of this, Adam has decided that it will be best for him to close out his work here at Trinity in mid-April.  April 12 will be his last day in the office, and he will be available through the end of May should consultation with him about matters of stewardship and welcome prove useful.  


Adam is now the third member of the Trinity staff in the past few years that we have sent off to seminary so that they can prepare to serve the wider church.  That we have been part of their formation has been a privilege.  We are grateful for all that Adam has offered to Trinity through his years of work and ministry here, and we wish him every blessing as he begins this new and exciting chapter of life.  


During worship on Sunday, April 7, we will pray God’s blessings upon Adam as he prepares for this next step in his life and ministry.  I know you join me in wishing Adam Godspeed as he closes out his work among us and prepares to work in other parts of the Lord’s vineyard.


Blessings and Christ’s peace,




Interim Rector​




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